The Bell Curve Debate: History, Documents, Opinions (Times Books, 1995). Dogmatic Wisdom: How the Culture Wars Divert Education and Distract America (Doubleday, 1994). The Last Intellectuals: American Culture in the Age of Academe (Basic Books, 1987 new edition with new Introduction, Basic Books 2000). The Repression of Psychoanalysis: Otto Fenichel and the Political Freudians (Basic Books, 1983). Dialectic of Defeat: Contours of Western Marxism (Cambridge University Press, 1981). "What is Conformist Marxism?" Telos 45 (Fall 1980). Social Amnesia: A Critique of Contemporary Psychology (Beacon Press, 1975 Transaction, 1997). Articles and reviews in American Historical Review, Grand Street, The Nation, Los Angeles Times, London Review of Books, The New York Times, Harper's and elsewhere. He received a doctorate in 1974 from the University of Rochester. He was born in New York City and educated at the University of Chicago and the University of Wisconsin–Madison. A documentary, Velvet Prisons: Russell Jacoby on American Academia, premiered in 2013 and played at many festivals, including the Humanity Explored Film Festival, the Davis International Film Festival, and Columbia Gorge Film Festival. In 2009, he was appointed to the Moishe Gonzales Folding Chair of Critical Theory. His fields of interest are twentieth-century European and American intellectual and cultural history, specifically the history of intellectuals and education. Social amnesia can be a result of 'forcible repression' of memories, ignorance, changing circumstances, or the forgetting that comes from changing interests. The concept is often cited in relation to Russell Jacobys scholarship from the 1970s. Russell Jacoby, The Repression of Psychoanalysis: Otto Fenichel and the Political Freudians (New York: Basic.
Wilhelm Reich, Politicizing the Sexual Problem of Youth.
Russell Jacoby (born April 23, 1945) is a professor of history at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), an author and a critic of academic culture. Social amnesia is a collective forgetting by a group of people. Bertell Ollmann, Social and Sexual Revolution, chapters 6-7. ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)
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